Outline: Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, and Headers

I. Introduction

A. Importance of on-page SEO

B. Role of title tags, meta descriptions, and headers

II. Title Tags

A. Definition and purpose

B. Best practices for optimising title tags

    #### 1. Keyword placement
    #### 2. Length considerations
    #### 3. Writing compelling titles

C. Examples of effective title tags

III. Meta Descriptions

A. Definition and role in SEO

B. Strategies for crafting effective meta descriptions

    #### 1. Incorporating keywords
    #### 2. Writing persuasive copy
    #### 3. Length guidelines

C. Impact on click-through rates

IV. Headers

A. Importance of headers for SEO

B. Types of headers (H1, H2, etc.)

C. Optimisation techniques for headers

    #### 1. Keyword usage
    #### 2. Organising content hierarchy
    #### 3. Enhancing readability

D. Examples of well-structured headers

V. Conclusion

A. Recap of key points

B. Importance of optimising title tags, meta descriptions, and headers for improved SEO

C. Future considerations and ongoing optimisation efforts