Having Google Snippet appear on a Google Search Results page can be a powerful way to drive traffic to your website. But, what is a Google Featured Snippet? And how can you implement it for your website?
What is a Google featured snippet?
A Google Featured Snippet is a text box that appears as part of a Google search result. The idea here is to quickly give the search audience an answer to their Google Query. A snippet is more likely to appear for a question.
Here’s how a Google Featured Snippet looks like:
Your query is answered quickly, and if you want to learn more, you can click on the link.
Why Are Featured Snippets Important for SEO Ranking?
A Featured Snippet can have a major impact on SEO in two ways.
Top Ranking
Your website link is placed on what marketing experts call is Position Zero. Your link appears above the traditional Position 1 Link. This gives your link an amazing click-through-rate, driving traffic on your page.
According to an Ahrefs’ study, the Position 1 link gets 26% of clicks on the first page. However, with a featured snippet appearing on the search results, it gets 8% of clicks, while the Position 1 link gets 19%.
Featured on No-Click Searches
A certain volume of searchers engage on Google, but do not click on the links. No-click searches are referred to when a Google user performs a search but does not click on any link.
In 2018, it was estimated that 11% of Google searches are no-click searches.
With a Featured Snippet, your content engages with this large set of audience. They do not have to click on your link to get the information.
Do you know the type of Featured Snippet?
Google has multiple types of featured snippets. Knowing these would be an excellent way to plan your strategy to create your own Featured Snippet. In essence, there are four types of Featured Snippets.
1. The Paragraph Definition Box
Here’s an example of the definition box:
Google commonly uses it to answer a “what/how/who is” style question or give a definition for a googled term.
A Definition Featured Snippet is usually 40-50 words long.
2. The Table Featured Snippet
The Table Featured Snippet is excellent for presenting numerical data. Here’s an example.
Google draws up data presented in a chart format and showcases it to answer relevant queries. Since Google only shows a limited number of rows in the search result, it does tell you how many more rows are there. Clicking on this would take you directly to the website source.
3. The Ordered List Features Snippets
The Ordered List Featured Snippet is an effective way for Google to show a list of steps or show rankings. Here’s an example:
Once again, the purpose of all of this by Google is to give searchers an easier time to access the answer to their questions.
Identify all kinds of opportunities to be featured
Great! You’ve stuck with this article so far. Now that you know what Google Snippets are, you might be asking another question right now – How do you get your website to be featured on a Google Snippet?
Getting ranked on Google is no easy task, and that’s the same with getting Google featured snippets. However, the good news is that it can be done. Here’s how you can do that.
Pick the Right Keyword/Subject Matter
You may have realised that Google Featured Snippets do not appear for all queries. Research from Ahrefs captures, which keywords Google does show Featured Snippets.
These are the key topics to focus on:
● DIY processes
● Health
● Financial
● Mathematical
● Requirements
● Transitional
If your website does not fit under any one of these categories, aim to create and optimise content that users will search like:
● Definitions
● Know-hows
● Business Organisations
● Known Business leaders
Identify Opportunities with Keywords
If you want your content to be selected as featured snippets, you need to start with keyword research. Take a look at a Keyword Research Guide to familiarise yourself with the steps. Furthermore, they are tools like Serpstat that can help you identify which keywords have featured snippets.
However, there are certain different steps that you need to take for this keyword research.
Look for Question Type of Queries
Look for long-tail searches that ask a question. This is where you start because users’ search queries are easiest to identity. They usually start with – what, why or how.
Pick Information Intent Type of Queries
Information type of queries refers to queries where the searcher has an intent to find specific information. Here’s an example
Use Google Suggestion
While your keyword research will give you a starting point, you can build on that by performing Google searches yourself. Google searches give you insight into where Featured Snippets are being shown and for what. In addition to that, take a look at the “People also ask” section.
This will help you build up a range of keywords and search queries to target.
Identify Queries that your Website Ranks High for
The next step is to identify which queries you already rank for. By targeting such pages, you reach for low-hanging fruit.
Google Search Console will be the perfect place to get this information.